Welcome to Yellowstone National Park, the first and greatest national park in the world. We hope you will enjoy visiting the world’s highest concentration of geysers and other hydrothermal features, enjoy viewing the world-class scenery, and enjoy watching the abundant wildlife. Many park facilities are more than a century old and accessibility is not always ideal. However, the park service is improving the facilities as quickly as possible within funding limitations. This guide describes most facilities judged to be negotiable by wheelchair users without assistance. It also indicates those facilities that may require assistance for some wheelchair users. Please note that facilities described as accessible do not necessarily comply fully with federal standards, and some accessible facilities are not marked with the international symbol. Your comments on this guide and the park’s accessibility are appreciated and should be directed to: |
Yellowstone National Park Accessibility Information | |
Access Pass | Programs |
Accommodations | Restrooms |
Backcountry Camping | Service Animals |
Camping | Showers |
Fishing | Wheelchairs |
Yellowstone National Park Facility Accessibility Information | |
Bridge Bay | Madison |
Canyon | Mammoth |
Fishing Bridge | Norris |
Grant Village | Old Faithful |
Lake | Roosevelt / Tower |
Access Pass and Annual Pass
A new entrance pass program replaces the Golden Eagle, Golden Age, and Golden Access Passports and the National Parks Pass. Blind and permanently disabled persons can obtain a Interagency Access Pass. This is a free lifetime entrance pass to federal parks, historic sites and recreation areas which charge entrance fees. The Interagency Access Pass admits the permit holder and any accompanying passengers in a single and private vehicle. It can be obtained from any visitor center or entrance station. If you already have a Golden Access Passport, you can continue to use it. Obtain the new Access Pass at one of Yellowstone’s entrance stations, visitor centers or you can purchase an Annual Pass online at this Link, or call: 1-888-275-8747, option 1. For more information about Entrance Passes and Fees, Click Here.
Discounts are also given on federal use fees for NPS-operated campgrounds, boat launching, etc. It does not cover fees charged by park concessioners; in Yellowstone, that includes five out of twelve campgrounds.
To obtain a Interagency Access Pass, the disabled individual must apply in person. The passport can be obtained in any national park, national wildlife refuge, Corps of Engineers, Forest Service or Bureau of Land Management site. Proof of medically determined permanent disability or eligibility for receiving benefits under federal law must be shown.
Accommodations - Lodging
Accessible accommodations are found at all major areas in the park. Lodging registration personnel are prepared to assist you in obtaining accessible accommodations. Contact the concessioner, Xanterra, for lodging information and reservations. Please see this link for more information on Lodging.
Backcountry Camping
There is an accessible backcountry campsite at Ice Lake. The site can be reached from the trailhead located approximately 3 miles east of Norris Junction or 10 miles west of Canyon. The site is situated about one-half mile from the trailhead on an accessible backcountry trail. This site is reserved for those with disabilities, parents with children under 6 years of age, and adults over 62 years of age. Call the NPS Backcountry Office at 307-344-2160 for information and reservations for this site. Also see the Backcountry Camping Page
All campgrounds in the park have accessible vault toilets. Seven campgrounds have accessible campsites:
You can reserve campsites at Bridge Bay, Canyon, Fishing Bridge, Grant, and Madison through Xanterra. Lewis Lake and Slough Creek campgrounds are operated by the National Park Service and are first-come, first-served. For more detailed information, please click on this Camping Link.
Fishing Site
An accessible fishing ramp and platform can be found on the Madison River at the Mt. Haynes Overlook. This site is approximately 3.5 miles west (downstream) of Madison Junction, or 10 miles east of the West Entrance Station. For more Yellowstone National Park fishing information please see these links: Fish, Fishing Fees, Fishing Regulations.
The park newspaper, Yellowstone Today, lists accessible Ranger-Led Programs and Activities. Most occur late May to early September; some may occur in the fall and winter. There are many accessible roadside interpretive exhibits throughout the park.
Accessible rest rooms with sinks and flush toilets are located at all developed areas except West Thumb and Norris. Accessible vault toilets are found at West Thumb, Norris, most scenic areas, and picnic areas. They are recognized as small brown/gray concrete buildings, each housing a single toilet. Also see the Picnic Page for more detailed information.
Service Animals
Some types of service animals are allowed in the backcountry, but they require permits. Call the NPS Backcountry Office at 307-344-2160 for information. Please click on this link for Pet Information.
Accessible public showers are available at the Grant Village lodging units and Old Faithful Lodge. Please see these links for Grant Village Lodging Information or Camping Information.
You can rent wheelchairs at medical clinics in Mammoth, Lake, and Old Faithful. (Only Mammoth is open year-round.) You pay a $300 deposit and $10 per day. Your deposit is refunded when the wheelchair is returned. Wheelchairs are available for loan at each of the following facility Albright (Mammoth), Canyon, and Old Faithful visitor centers while in those areas. Please see this link for Clinic Information.
BRIDGE BAY - Area Map - Campground Map
Amphitheater - Access with assistance via paved path from the north side. Park next to the restroom in Loop D.
Boating - Boating, Fishing Excursions, and Scenic Lake Excursions.
Parking - At restrooms only.
Restrooms - Campground (Loop A) and at picnic area on marina entrance road.
Stores - Yellowstone General Store at the marina: accessible from the boat ramp area.
CANYON - Area Map - Campground Map
Amphitheater - Best access is via paved path from the north side of the road between the gas station and campground. Park on the shoulder.
Canyon Visitor Education Center - Accessible.
Food Service - Canyon Lodge: dining room, lounge, Snack Shop, and cafeteria; Yellowstone General Store: fountain service.
Laundry - Camper Services Building at entrance to campground. Access is from the rear of the building.
Lodging - Cascade Lodge: Two accessible lodging units; Dunraven Lodge: 5 accessible lodging units.
Parking - In front of Canyon Lodge, Yellowstone General Store, and Canyon Visitor Education Center.
Post Office - Building is accessible.
Restrooms - Canyon Lodge Cafeteria, Canyon Lounge, Outdoor Store, Service Station, Campground (westernmost restroom, Loop L), and Canyon Visitor Education Center.
Stores - Yellowstone General Store, Outdoor Store, Canyon Gift Shop.
Scenic areas near Canyon Village
North Rim Drive - No curbs have been cut on the North Rim Loop Drive. With assistance, views of the canyon can be enjoyed from the Grand View overlook and from the parking area at Inspiration Point (the overlook is not accessible).
South Rim Drive - Uncle Tom’s Overlook offers a view of the Upper Falls. Artist Point, which offers a view of the Lower Falls.
FISHING BRIDGE - Area Map - Campground Map
Amphitheater - Located at visitor center; accessible.
Camping - Fishing Bridge RV Park (hard-sided units only) with full hookups.
Food Service - Yellowstone General Store: fountain service.
Laundry - In Camper Services Building at entrance to RV park. No curb is cut at this facility, so assistance will be needed. No accessible restrooms are available in this building.
Parking - On the east side of visitor center parking lot.
Restrooms - Yellowstone General Store and on the east side of the Fishing Bridge Visitor Center (museum) parking lot with assistance.
Store - Yellowstone General Store.
Visitor Center (museum) - Center portion is accessible.
Scenic areas between Fishing Bridge and Canyon
LeHardys Rapids (between Canyon and Fishing Bridge) - The trail form the north parking lot is accessible and marked. No parking is designated.
Mud Volcano (between Canyon and Fishing Bridge) - The Lower Loop is accessible, including a spur to Dragons Mouth. Start at the north end of the parking lot. At the boardwalk junction beyond the Mud Volcano, turn left and return to the parking lot. Lower restrooms are accessible.
GRANT VILLAGE - Area Map - Campground Map
Amphitheater - Best access is from the visitor center.
Food Service - Grant Restaurant (full service); Lake House at Grant (fast food and pizza); Yellowstone General Store, fast-food restaurant.
Laundry - In Camper Services Building No curb has been cut for this facility so assistance will be required. No accessible rest rooms exist in this building.
Lodging - Twelve specially designed accessible lodging units. The lodging registration building is accessible.
Parking - In front of lodging registration building, Grant Restaurant, accessible lodging facilities, Camper Services Building, visitor center, post office, and Yellowstone General Stores.
Post Office - Accessible.
Restrooms - Yellowstone General Store, Grant Restaurant, visitor center (with assistance), campground (Loops A & B), picnic area, Camper Services Building.
Showers - Accessible showers at the Camper Services Building. Accessible showers are available at the Grant Village lodging units. Go to Lodging Registration Building for information.
Stores - Yellowstone General Store, gift shop in lodging registration building.
Visitor Center - Accessible.
Scenic area near Grant Village
West Thumb Geyser Basin - Information station and upper loop are accessible. Lower Loop has grades up to 10 percent, but no steps. Accessible restrooms are near the center of the parking lot.
Food Service - Lake Hotel Dining Room and Lounge, and Lake Lodge Cafeteria.
Lodging - Five specially designed lodging units are available in the Sandpiper Annex of the Lake Yellowstone Hotel. A wheelchair is available at Lake Hotel.
Medical Clinic - No restrooms are accessible for wheelchair users.
Parking - In front of Sandpiper Annex of the Lake Yellowstone Hotel.
Post Office - Accessible.
Restrooms - Outside Yellowstone General Store, in Lake Hotel and Lake Lodge.
Stores - Yellowstone General Store, gift shops in Lake Hotel and Lake Lodge.
MADISON - Area Map - Campground Map
Amphitheater - At Madison Information Station and picnic area with assistance.
Camping - Accessible rest rooms in Loop A.
Information Station - Accessible with assistance.
Restrooms - Accessible.
Scenic area near Madison
Terrace Springs - (just north of Madison Junction) All features are accessible. A steep grade exists in the middle of the loop that may require assistance.
MAMMOTH - Area Map - Campground Map
Food Service - Terrace Grill (fast food) and Mammoth Hotel Dining Room (accessible through the Terrace Grill entrance). No accessible restrooms in the dining room, but available in the Terrace Grill.
Lodging - Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel: Two accessible rooms available. A wheelchair is available for assistance.
Medical Clinic - Accessible in the rear; no accessible restrooms.
Parking - Two designated parking spaces in front of the Mammoth Hotel and two at the rear of the hotel, plus west side of the visitor center and in the rear.
Restrooms - Available in a building to the left of the service station; in the Terrace Grill and Mammoth Hotel lobby. Accessible restrooms available in the Albright Visitor Center on the third floor; access via elevator at rear of building.
Stores - Gift shop in Mammoth Hotel
Visitor Center - Access in the rear with assistance. Press the call button marked at the top of the ramp if you need assistance.
Scenic area at Mammoth
Mammoth Hot Springs Terraces - A great deal of this area can be seen from your vehicle as you drive the main road and Upper Terrace Drive. Obtain an area guide at the Albright Visitor Center. As you drive up to Upper Terrace Drive from the bottom, you can park in a pullout to get a good view of Canary Springs. Parking available at the start of Upper Terrace Drive across from an accessible boardwalk that leads to an overlook of Main Terrace.
NORRIS - Area Map - Campground Map
Amphitheater - At Norris Campground, with assistance.
Information Station (Museum) - West half of the museum is accessible.
Parking - Closest space to the paved walk leading to the Information.
Restrooms - Accessible toilets in the parking area.
Scenic areas at Norris Geyser Basin
Norris Geyser Basin - Portions of Porcelain Basin and Back Basin are accessible with some assistance required because of steep grades, uneven ground, and side slopes. Consult the area brochure or ask rangers for route selection.
Food Service - Old Faithful Inn Dining Room, Lounge and Snack Shop; Old Faithful Lodge Cafeteria, Lounge, and Snack Bar; Four Seasons Snack Shop. No curb has been cut for the Four Seasons Snack Shop so assistance will be required to access the facility.
Lodging - Old Faithful Inn: Eight specially designed accessible lodging units available . The Inn is accessible from both the front and the rear. Old Faithful Snow Lodge: Five fully accessible rooms and one accessible cabin.
Medical Clinic - Accessible.
Parking - Designated parking at the front and rear of the Old faithful Inn; in front of the Old faithful Lodge, Old Faithful Snow Lodge, and the Yellowstone General Stores.
Ranger Station - Accessible.
Restrooms - Old Faithful Inn (one unisex unit), Old Faithful Lodge (two unisex units), Old Faithful Snow Lodge and visitor center.
Shower - An accessible public shower is in one of the unisex bathrooms at the Old Faithful Lodge.
Stores - Upper and Lower Yellowstone General Stores; gifts shops in the Old Faithful Inn and Old Faithful Snow Lodge.
Visitor Center - Accessible.
Scenic Areas at Old Faithful
Upper Geyser Basin - Old Faithful Geyser is accessible from the visitor center, Old Faithful Inn, and Old Faithful Lodge. An accessible bike/pedestrian path leads from the visitor center 1.5 miles to Morning Glory Pool (3 miles round trip). This path is also accessible from the Lower Yellowstone General Stores downhill from the Old Faithful Inn. Castle Geyser and Crested Pool are only 0.2 miles from this point. This access also reduces the round-trip distance to Morning Glory Pool to 2.4 miles.
Biscuit Basin - (north of Old Faithful) No curb cut, but no steps on the boardwalk.
Black Sand Basin - (just north of Old faithful) No curb cut, but no steps on the boardwalk.
Firehole Lake Drive - (between Old Faithful and Madison) All thermal features are accessible.
Fountain Paint Pots - (between Old Faithful and Madison) One set of stairs and one steep slope; otherwise accessible with assistance. Designated parking and accessible restrooms.
Midway Geyser Basin - (between Old Faithful and Madison) Fully accessible boardwalk, designated parking, and accessible restrooms.
Food Service - Roosevelt Lodge at Tower Junction, snacks at Yellowstone General Stores at Roosevelt and Tower Fall.
Lodging - Roosevelt Lodge: Two accessible cabins.
Parking - In front of Tower Fall Store and Roosevelt Lodge.
Restrooms - Roosevelt Lodge, Tower Junction Service Station, and adjacent to Yellowstone General Store at Tower Fall.
Stores - Yellowstone General Stores at Roosevelt and Tower Fall.
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